The logging solution proposed is not polyfillable with today's tools, at least 
not when logging to the browser console. 

The idea would be that rejection reasons are logged when nobody has handled 
them, but then "un-logged" when they are handled. Since there is no 
`console.unlog`, you see our problem.

You could "polyfill" this by creating a secondary "console" overlay on top of 
the browser window. I believe when.js has something like this in an 
experimental branch:

Theirs is based off of a proposed Promises/A+ API, `console.unhandledRejection` 
and `console.rejectionHandled`, which would allow cross-promise-library sharing 
of such an interface:

I know RSVP.js has expressed interest in this as well, and I speak for Q in 
saying we would love that. At this point it's just a matter of someone, perhaps 
myself, putting in the time to create a generic bookmarklet that pops up a 
unhandled-rejections console and intercepts 


>From the larger perspective of #extendthewebforward 
>everything-should-be-polyfillable, I'd say the missing piece of the web 
>platform for this is `console.unlog`. Not sure how excited browser vendors are 
>about implementing that?
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