On Jul 15, 2013, at 10:30 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

> Axel Rauschmayer wrote:
>>> The (x === Object(x)) test evaluates to true for value objects in this 
>>> proposal, though. This may break code looking for "primitives" but we need 
>>> to see what such code expects. Is it filtering out the legacy typeof-result 
>>> primitives (plus "null"), trying to find values for which typeof currently 
>>> returns "object" or "function"? If so, I don't see a problem: int64, 
>>> bignum, etc. are not legacy primitives. Is this test looking for objects 
>>> that are their own wrappers? Again all is well, unless "mutable wrapper" is 
>>> assumed -- but that's not safe in the ES5 era to assume, anyway.
>> The most frequent use case I’ve encountered: does the value have a prototype 
>> (i.e., will Object.getPrototypeOf() work)?
>> I’m assuming that value objects will have a prototype, accessible via 
>> Object.getPrototypeOf (?)
> Yes, they are after all value objects :-P.
> js> Object.getPrototypeOf(0UL)
> 0UL

In the latest spec. draft, Object.getPrototypeOf(new Symbol) returns null 
because that is what the [[GetInheritance]] MOP operation produces for exotic 
symbol objects. That's because symbols symbols aren't supposed to have any 
observable properties.

[[GetInhertance]] would do something else for value objects that actually 
exposed inherited properties.


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