On Sep 12, 2013, at 6:35 AM, Mark S. Miller wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 4:14 AM, Tom Van Cutsem <tomvc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> [+markm, allenwb]
> 2013/9/11 David Bruant <bruan...@gmail.com>
> Le 11/09/2013 16:22, Tom Van Cutsem a écrit :
>> [[GetInheritance]] always checks whether the proxy and target's prototype 
>> are the same, but as you pointed out, if the target is extensible, you can 
>> set its prototype to some other object before returning a value from the 
>> getPrototypeOf trap.
> It's annoying to cleanup post-trap though (to restore the target initial 
> prototype). Is the invariant on getPrototypeOf that important on extensible 
> objects?
> I think it is the only trap that enforces something without a related eternal 
> invariant.
> For membranes, when using a shadow target, there's no need to 
> clean-up/restore anything.
> But more generally, you're right that it's odd [[GetInheritance]] is doing an 
> invariant check on an otherwise extensible/configurable object. I think it's 
> simply a remnant of the time before we fully embraced setPrototypeOf.
> agreed
> Now that Object.setPrototypeOf is part of ES6, there doesn't seem to be a 
> point in guaranteeing the stability of Object.getPrototypeOf for extensible 
> objects.
> The important invariant is that getPrototypeOf remain stable for 
> non-extensible objects.
> Hence, it seems we could replace steps 8-10 of Proxy.[[GetInheritance]] 
> <https://people.mozilla.org/%7Ejorendorff/es6-draft.html#sec-9.3.1> with:
> 8. Let extensibleTarget be the result of IsExtensible(target).
> 9. ReturnIfAbrupt(extensibleTarget).
> 10. If extensibleTarget is true, then return handlerProto.
> // steps below identical to the old steps 8-10:
> 11. Let targetProto be the result of calling the [[GetInheritance]] internal 
> method of target.
> 12. ReturnIfAbrupt(targetProto).
> 13. If SameValue(handlerProto, targetProto) is false, then throw a TypeError 
> exception.
> Mark, Allen, does that seem right?
> yes.

Also, seems right to me.

That sounds like sufficient consensus.  I'll make the change to the spec.

Thanks, Boris


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