Hi, thanks for the comment and sorry for the unclarity.

I was refering to my original post in this thread about try/catch with

Now that I started working more with generators - I find handling
exceptions really difficult now that I use try/catch in a synchronous way.
 Just to be clear - I'm not suggesting a fix, I'm raising an issue me and
some of my colleagues I've been facing and I'm interested to know if:

 - There is a consensus that this is a problem.
 - It's a big enough problem for other people too or it sounds like a big
enough problem in case they have not tried coding asynchronous code with
generators yet.
 - Someone already solved this, in which case I'd love to learn how (and
share that knowledge on the MDN wiki).

In case the code in the original post is unclear please let me know and
I'll try to add a clearer sample.


On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 1:03 AM, Brendan Eich <bren...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> Benjamin (Inglor) Gruenbaum wrote:
>> Any form of reply on this question/problem would be highly appreciated. I
>> believe this is a real use case and I'd like to know what other people
>> think.
>> I've had to deal with this multiple times since I sent this to es-discuss.
> Can you show exact code excerpt with a comment-pointer to the buggy bit,
> and then talk about the fix? It's really not clear what your "this" refers
> to.
> /be
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