Le 28/11/2013 09:59, Brandon Andrews a écrit :
Lately I've been writing very processor heavy Javascript. I feel like it could 
benefit a lot from having a syntax feature for removing debug statements. 
Obviously JS is interpreted and not compiled, so I'm not sure if this sounds 
completely unrealistic, but it has some very useful scenarios.

I like to write verbose type checking for functions to check ranges and throw 
exceptions if invalid input is detected. The issue is in a production 
environment (especially with games) the code executes too slowly with all the 
extra branches. It would be nice if there was a simple syntax to treat code as 
if it's commented out when a flag is set.
Does this need to be part of JavaScript (and be implemented in web browsers)? From what I understand, what you're describing is purely a development time concern and not a (production) runtime concern, so I feel the solution should be found in better development tooling.

Good news! Olov Lassus already worked on something like this!

I haven't looked at it too much, but it might be possible to do assertions (that run in dev, but not in prod) with Sweet.js [1] macros. Potentially that's something that could be part of TypeScript too (I haven't seen an issue on this topic or in the roadmap, but maybe that's an addition they'd be open to do?).

JavaScript isn't compiled, but we can build tools that do compile to JS without requiring support from the browser.


[1] http://sweetjs.org/
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