Le 27/12/2013 19:10, Claude Pache a écrit :
There is still the issue of potential libraries that produce arraylikes that don't inherit from a built-in arraylike prototype: those won't benefit from your polyfill without changing their inheritance strategy.
I don't understand the expression "inherit from a built-in arraylike prototype". Could you explain this further?

(I don't know whether it's a common issue.)
I think any use case involving libraries can be solved.
In an ES6 world, a library would make Array.from work via setting an appropriate @@iterator on the objects it generates. Based on what I suggested (internalize iterators in Array.from code for polyfills), the ES5 equivalent is to override Array.from as such:

    var nativeArrayFrom = Array.from;

    Array.from = function(x){
        if(/*x is of my library type*/){
            /* generate an equivalent array using the traversal logic
                that would be used for its @@iterator in ES6
            return nativeArrayFrom(x);


Granted, it's not super elegant solution, but it does work. The overhead becomes significant only in the degenerate cases where dozens of libraries override Array.from.

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