looks rather an eval gotcha but I think Firefox is correct anyway. try `f =
eval("(" + f + ")");` instead and it should produce what you expect (I


On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 3:37 PM, Benjamin (Inglor) Gruenbaum <
ing...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've recently run into this question in Stack Overflow:
> http://stackoverflow.com/q/21008329/1348195
> ```
> function f() {
>     f = eval("" + f);
>     console.log("Inside a call to f(), f is: \n%s", f);}
> f();
> console.log("After a call to f(), f is: \n%s", f);
> ```
> What should the output of the following be?
> I expected `undefined` on both but that's because I'm used to strict mode.
> IE/Chrome treat this differently from Firefox and to be honest when I
> checked the spec it boiled down to which context is affected here.
> In IE/Chrome the eval is creating `f` inside the context of `f` acting
> like a function declaration inside. In Firefox it's acting like it's
> running in the global context.
> Which is correct?  I've tried to follow 10.4.2 (or 18.2.1 in the ES6 draft
> which is nice) but I still couldn't figure out what "if there is no calling
> context means".
> Thanks,
> Benjamin Grunebaum
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