Le 24/01/2014 18:26, John Lenz a écrit :

    REPL is a dilemma: if you parse as module, then obtaining the last
    expression value is not simple. if you parse as a script, then
    common cut/paste fails on export/import statements.

My basic question remains. As a tool owner how do I know if what I'm looking at is intended to be a Module or a Script?
How do you know if some code is intended for the browser or Node?
How do you know some code is intended to be used in a WebWorker and not in the main thread? How do you know the code won't be concatenated a "use strict" when someone else uses it?

The code itself lacks the context in which it's being loaded (hence very defensive patterns like UMD (Universal Module Definition)). If you want to be exhaustive, you'll have to make an assumption or make your tool smarter about the context.

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