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Brendan Eich wrote:
Bradley Meck wrote:
Perhaps, but I am still a bit concerned functionality wise that I do not have a clean way to force the `new generator()` piece of code to be inside of the generator.

I think you've gone down a bad path. Even without task.js, couldn't you put the promises .then'ing in the generator schedule,

Sorry, last word should be "scheduler" above.

The await syntax needs a scheduler behind the scenes, and task.js has one. The scheduler duck-types the result of yield expressions in the generator, and if it is a promise, arranges to .next the generator when the promise is fulfilled, or .throw at it when rejected.

Instead you compile await in a way that expands the promise .then'ing inline in the generator body, requiring a ref to the generator in a closure, for use from function expressions passed to .then and .catch.

Is this more clear?


instead of requiring each generator to open-code the .then/.catches, which in turn requires you to have a ref to the generator?
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