The first goal listed for ecmascript modules:

   - Obviate need for globals

Ironically, the current proposal for module loading includes a global
"System" and possibly "Loader".  Worse, it seems like the global System is
explicitly expected to be mutated.

Just in case the not-global is goal is controversial, consider the
following code snippets:

1. Using Globals:
2. Using Modules:
   import System from './MyCustomLoader';

Which of these snippets provide a direct path to look for sources of error?
In the first one, you need to examine the entire program, and more over you
need to carefully consider whether order of execution may alter the
outcome. Any code that runs before the snippet, including code delayed by
network loading, can change the meaning of System. Such changes could make
perfect sense within one set of modules but become an error when those
modules are loaded in the same environment as another set.

By contrast, the second snippet directs your attention to a single file.

Let's look into what a custom loader module might look like:
  import {SystemLoader, SystemLoaderHooks} from 'System'; // immutable
Loader class
  class Loader extends SystemLoader {
    constructor() {
    // override, delegate, reuse SystemLoader API
    // add non-standard custom functions
  export var System = new Loader();

(Here I have used the capital variable System to emulate the module loader
discussion. Personally I think the package should be named 'system' and
developers should be using systemLoader.import().)

As a bonus, modular Loader would provide more incentive for developers to
adopt modules since they cannot use dynamic loading without also using

The only downside I see to a modular Loader is that simple demo code will
require two files. I hope someone will offer a stronger case for our
mutable global Loader.

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