I like this refactoring.  This doesn't change the spec's behavior;
this would be the first solution proposed in
https://bugs.ecmascript.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2546 which was to rewrite
the spec's non-normative text to make it clear that `end=this.length`
in the signature was describing the behavior in the common case only.
The description of `Array#slice` for example, does not use a default
parameter in the signature and is accurate (assuming you read "the
length of the array" as `ToLength(this.length)`).

On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 10:32 AM, Claude Pache <claude.pa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think that the intent of this algorithm is clear despite its Cobol-like 
> language. Actually, for step 3, the spec uses the equivalent of: "If `k` is 
> `undefined`, let `relative` be `default` and go to step 5"; moreover, that 
> step is omitted when `default` is 0.

This difference seem to have no effect, given that step 2 asserts that
`default` is an integer between `0` and `len`.

> steps 6 to 8. Let `to` be IndexFromRelativeIndex(`target`, `len`, 0). 
> ReturnIfAbrupt(`to`).
> steps 9 to 11: Let `from` be IndexFromRelativeIndex(`start`, `len`, 0). 
> ReturnIfAbrupt(`from`).

For greater precision, you might want to specify `+0` as the default
here, to match the result specified for `ToInteger(undefined)`.
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