I'd like to raise an issue with ES7 value objects with maps raised here:


To save you all time, let me sum things up:

ES6 maps don't solve a particular (but common) issue for me - using
compound objects as keys. I do a lot of statistical analysis and I need
keys to be compound tuples or other values. This is currently not possible
with ES6 since map key equality is checked with `===` so it is always
reference equality

ES7 introduces value objects - which are really cool anyway. This allows
for compound keys.which partially solves my issue because value keys are
compared structurally with `===`.

However, it does not let me index on partial information (described in my
last commend on that issues). Since it is impossible to override `===` in
value objects from what I understand - It would be impossible for me to use
partial objects as keys.

To illustrate, if for example I have a lot of 10 dim vectors, and I want to
index them as keys based on their first two dimensions - it is impossible
at the moment and I have to project them into their 2d counterparts which
have no further use for me.

Is this somehow addressed? I'm unsure where to look for answers. It seems
natural to me to allow specifying a hashing function in the `Map`
 constructor (rather than on every type) to solve this particular (but
again, rather common in code that does crunching) problem.

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