On May 1, 2014, at 2:50 AM, Jason Orendorff <jason.orendo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> As specified, proxies can do this:
>  js> Object.isFrozen(proxy)
>  true
>  js> Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proxy).configurable
>  true

No, that is not the intent.  However, Object.isFrozen depends upon the 
reliability of  [[OwnPropertyKeys]] and one of its checked variants (and this 
is not yet in the spec. because Tom, Mark, and I just worked out the final 
details last week) is that [[OwnPropertyKeys]] must return a complete and 
accurate list of all non-configurable property names. 

Also note that Object.isFrozen is specified to operates at the level of the MOP 
operations and property descriptor records, not at the 
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor/descriptor object level. It never looks at the 
object that is passed through [[Origin]].

It isn’t clear exactly what you intend by the above snippet (does proxy have a 
‘getOwnPropertyDescriptorHandler’? did you really mean to use undefined as the 
property key?).  In either case, if the object passes the criteria for isFrozen 
then then the con configurable attribute of the resulting descriptor (if the 
property exists) must be false and consistent with the target. Steps 11-21 of 
9.9.5 (proxy [[GetOwnProperty]] are intended to guarantees that.  Maybe there 
are bugs in those steps, I can review them in detail right now, but the design 
intent is a frozen object can never expose a ;configurable property. 

> Of course the property is not really configurable. The extent of the
> issue is that Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor is not a reliable
> reflection API.

It’s supposed to be for frozen objects, so if you see bugs in that regard I’m 
obvious interested.


> -j

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