On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 2:10 AM, Allen Wirfs-Brock <al...@wirfs-brock.com>wrote:

> below
> On May 20, 2014, at 4:28 PM, Kenneth Russell wrote:
> > On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 9:40 AM, Allen Wirfs-Brock
> > <al...@wirfs-brock.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> On May 20, 2014, at 8:37 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
> >>
> >>> On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 5:25 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock
> >>> <al...@wirfs-brock.com> wrote:
> >>>> The ES6 TypedArray/ArrayBuffer spec. was written closely following the
> >>>> Khronos spec. which is pretty vague about what happens when an
> ArrayBuffer
> >>>> is neutered.
> >>>
> >>> If you go through
> >>> http://www.khronos.org/registry/typedarray/specs/latest/ and search
> >>> for "neutered" it seems relatively clear. byteLength returns 0 and the
> >>> other members follow from there.
> >>
> >> Wow, I'm pretty sure all of those return 0 if neutered's weren't there
> when I used the Khronos spec. to generate the ES6 spec.
> >>
> >> The change for byteLength of ArrayBuffer is trivial (and already done).
> >>
> >> However, the changes for ArrayBufferView (note this doesn't actually
> exists in the ES spec.) and in particular the 'length' property of  the
> various Typed Arrays has a lot of implications to consider.
> >>
> >> In ES6, (almost) all of the Array.prototype methods are available as
> methods of typed arrays. Do you really want all of these, if applied to an
> Typed Array with a neutered ArrayBuffer to act as if they were a 0 length
> array.  That would seem to just be a good way to obscure bugs as many of
> the array methods turn into no-ops when applied to 0-length arrays. With
> the current ES6 spec. they would throw as soon as they tried to access the
> underlying ArrayBuffer using the original length.
> >>
> >> Also note, that ignoring this new requirement, a Typed Array's length,
> byteLength, and byteOffset are all constants and this fact is used in
> specifying the behavior of the methods that operate upon them.  If they can
> change (even to 0) then this can occur on any operation that can trigger
> side-effects.  (For example, consider calling the callback function on
> 'map' or similar methods).  Do we really want to dynamically reconsider
> changes to ;length' as opposed to simply letting throws to occur on access
> to the neutered ArrayBuffer?
> >
> > First, some background. When typed arrays were designed, they were
> > specified with Web IDL and its ECMAScript binding. There were attempts
> > during typed arrays' development to throw exceptions on some
> > operations -- like out-of-range indexing -- but one by one these were
> > discovered to be incompatible with either Web IDL's or ECMAScript's
> > semantics like property lookup.
> >
> > When neutering was added, there were several discussions regarding how
> > to detect that an object had been neutered. The current behavior of
> > treating the ArrayBuffer and all of its views as though they became
> > zero-length was arrived at after careful consideration of the
> > alternatives. I also recall discussing this behavior in person with
> > ECMAScript committee members.
> >
> > Throwing an exception upon fetching these properties from a neutered
> > ArrayBuffer or view might provide nice fail-fast behavior but it's
> > also incompatible with the current specification. It's likely that web
> > applications using web workers, typed arrays and Transferables will
> > break if this change is made.
> We can make those properties all return 0, without too much impact. But
> that doesn't necessarily mean all the new methods (over 20) that ES6
> provides for Typed Arrays can't also fail fast when applied to an
> TypedArray with a neutered array buffer rather than trying to pretend that
> it just happens to be zero length.  In particular, I don't want to have to
> scatter length change checks throughout thee algorithms in case one gets
> neutered as a side-effect of a callback or a proxy mediated access.
> What I propose is that for these new methods we will do a neutered check
> on entry and immediately throw a TypeError if the this value is a neutered.
> If not the algorithms proceeds using the current length, etc. values. If
> the typed array gets neutered while in the middle of one of these
> algorithms, a TypeError will get thrown at the point where the algorithm
> next tries to read or write into the ArrayBuffer.
> Oner issue, is that there is currently know way for ES code to test if an
> Buffer has been neutered.  That means we while I can specify these new
> built-ins as during the neutered test there is no way to write a ES-hosted
> implementation of that functionality. Why didn't you provide a isNeutered
> predicate?
> >
> >> Finally, I note that the current Khronos spec. doesn't provide much
> guidance in this regard.  The thing it has that is most similar to the
> other array methods is the 'subarray' method and it doesn't explicitly say
> anything about what happens when it is applied to a TypedArray with an
> underlying neutered ArrayBuffer.
> >
> > It isn't clear to me that it needs to. Starting from a view which is
> > pointing to a neutered ArrayBuffer, there is no way to create a
> > subarray of any nonzero length.
> No, but it seems highly unlikely that anybody doing
> myTypedArray.subarray(5,10) actually wants to get back a 0-length array is
> myTypedArray happens to be neutered.

Maybe, but I believe we have been shipping 'subarray' with exactly this
behavior for quite a while now, and speccing it otherwise will be a compat

> Allen
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