They curly braces only look like destructuring if you keep the name the
same, when imported with a different name it's a slightly different syntax,
{oldname as newname} not {oldname: newname}, also as it currently stands
    // BAD
    import lib from 'library';;;

is not correct, this was the module syntax that was removed so you could
have done
    // ALSO BAD
    module lib from 'library';;;

now from what I understand the only way to do that is

    import 'library';
    let lib = this.get('library');

On Jun 15, 2014 11:33 PM, "Axel Rauschmayer" <> wrote:

> I apologize for this email, but I still don’t understand the current
> module design.
> **Multi-export modules.** Modules made sense to me as long as they were
> maps from names to exported values:
> ```js
> // Module 'library'
> export function foo() {
> }
> export function bar() {
> }
> // Module 'client1'
> import { foo, bar } from 'library';
> foo();
> bar();
> // Module 'client2'
> import lib from 'library';
> ```
> Compared to CommonJS, the syntax is nicer and less redundant.
> Additionally, the curly braces for getting stuff out of a module work,
> because they look like destructuring. And you get load-time errors if
> imports don’t match exports.
> **Single-export modules.** Still missing is support for single-export
> modules, which could be added as follows (the keyword `default` instead of
> the asterisk works just as well, in my opinion).
> ```js
> // Module 'MyClass'
> export* class {
> };
> // Module 'client3'
> import* MyClass from 'MyClass';
> ```
> At the moment, it seems to me like multi-export modules and single-export
> modules are mixed in a way that makes things difficult to understand.
> Axel
>  --
> Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
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