On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 4:04 PM, caridy <car...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > I thought SPDY was, to quote wikipedia, about: "reducing web page load
> latency and improving web security"
> > How does SPDY help when the issue is lots of small requests ping ponging
> back and forth between client and server?
> SPDY multiplexes the requests across the same connection, which is
> essentially a runtime bundling process at the browser level without the
> hazards of doing it manually, and getting the benefit of the granular
> caching at the browser level.

Just so I understand, if the dependency tree a depth of 20 and say 300
modules how many round trips from client to server will you need using
SPDY? The competition (ES5 prebuilt) uses one.

> > (Do we want to wait for SPDY in every browser before we use ES6 modules?)
> All major browsers (including safari) support SPDY today. But the point
> is, we should not consider "bundling" as a prime use-case for modules,
> because it is not going to be important at all.

> If people want to do bundling, they will have plenty of options to do so,
> even with the current module specs.

Could you enumerate these? I thought that there was no option, which is why
we are asking.

> /caridy
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