On Jun 17, 2014, at 5:31 PM, Domenic Denicola <dome...@domenicdenicola.com> 

>> Interesting questions in that thread about what to do about time zone 
>> changes. An event for time zone changes seems important, but we don't 
>> currently have any precedent for standard library events in ECMAScript.
> Object.observe change records? A synthetic change event seems perfect for 
> this use case.

I knew someone would suggest that. :)

Personally, I think that's pretty gross: it's encoding a real-world event (e.g. 
I moved into a different time zone) as a reflective object mutation event, 
rather than just building an API at a more intuitive level of abstraction. But 
I suppose if it works without having to actually standardize anything, then it 
just works.


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