JavaScriptCore has never allowed octal sequences (anything other than a . or x 
after 0) in strict mode, and we haven't had any problems with it.


> On Aug 5, 2014, at 11:13 AM, Allen Wirfs-Brock <> wrote:
> On Aug 5, 2014, at 8:38 AM, Mathias Bynens wrote:
>> On 5 Aug 2014, at 17:19, Mark S. Miller <> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 8:17 AM, Mathias Bynens <> wrote:
>>>> The literals under discussion (e.g. `08` and `09`) are not octal literals.
>>> Strict mode should reject these even more vehemently! (Allen, can we have 
>>> an early vehement error?)
> I think we weren't clear enough in the ES5 spec.  The base-line grammar says 
> that starting a decimal literal (other than a single '0') with a 'o' is not 
> valid syntax.  You should expect to get a syntax error for 00, or 07, or 08, 
> or0123456789, or 01234567, etc.  ES5 Annex B defines an extension that makes 
> sequences of digits (excluding '8' or '9') legal syntax.  But section 7.8.3 
> says that that particular extension is not allowed in strict mode code.
> The problem is that there is another extensions (that is not in ES5 Annex B) 
> that allows and gives meaning for '0' followed by digit sequences that 
> include the digits '8' and/or '9'.  I'm pretty sure that when drafting ES5 we 
> thought the restriction in 7.8.3 was making making both of these extensions 
> illegal in strict mode. Apparently most real world browsers didn't interpret 
> things that way which is unfortunate.
>> Now I’m confused again. That contradicts what Allen said earlier in this 
>> thread:
>> On 5 Aug 2014, at 16:20, Allen Wirfs-Brock <> wrote:
>>> Regarding, leading 0 constants in strict mode. The long term plan is to 
>>> eventually make them legal decimal constants.
>> I stand by my earlier suggestion:
>> 1. Accept decimal integer literals with leading `0`, even in strict mode.
>> 2. Interpret the value of such literals as octal in case they consist of 
>> octal digits only. (Note: this is already in Annex B – see 
>> `LegacyOctalIntegerLiteral`.)
>> Strict mode would accept `08` as it’s a zero-prefixed decimal literal but 
>> not `07` since that’s an octal literal.
>> This matches what all browsers already do (except Firefox), and fulfills the 
>> long-term plan Allen was talking about.
> I think this is more or less the strategy we should follow.
> All browsers in all modes apparently interpret leading 0 numbers that contain 
> the digits "8" or "9" as decimal literals.  We should make that part of the 
> base language for ES6.
> The ES6 base language should make leading 0 numbers containing only octal 
> digits ("1"-"7") syntactically illegal.
> Annex B can continue to define the meaning for  such leading 0 octal numbers. 
>  And strict mode still makes that annex B extension illegal
> Someday, when strict mode/modules is more dominant we can relax the 
> restriction of leaning 0 numbers without "8" or "9" and make all leading 0 
> numbers decimal literals in strict mode.
> Allen
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