Le 02/09/2014 20:07, Daurnimator a écrit :
So, I'd like to see some sort of "trap" that is fired when a Proxy is collected. To prevent over specifying how Javascript garbage collectors should operate, I propose that the trap *may* only be called at some *undefined* point after the object is not strongly referenced.
As Brendan said, what you want has been discussed as Weak References on the list, not really proxies.

The question of not wanting to over-specify upfront has come in other places in the past. Sometimes, even when the spec leaves freedom to implementors, it happens that implemetors make some common choices, then people rely on the shared browser behavior of that spec-undefined functionality. Then, the feature has to be standardized de facto as commonly implemented afterwards.

My point here being that not specifying up front does not guarantee that the details won't have to be ever specified.
The enumeration order of object keys comes to mind.

I'm not saying that it's what will or even may happen in this case, but just remind that leaving things undefined can fire back and generate the opposite of what was intended.

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