There are several problems solved by async/await instead of twisting generators:

1. What if you wanted to use generators for lazy sequences (iterables), instead 
of asynchronicity? If your framework assumes all generators are for async, you 
lose the original use case of generators.

2. Say what you mean. `function*` and `yield` mean something very different 
from `async function` and `await`, similar to how `Subclass.prototype = 
Object.create(Superclass.prototype); Subclass.prototype.constructor = Subclass` 
is different from `class Subclass extends Superclass`.

3. Operator precedence. You can do `await a + await b` to mean `(await a) + 
(await b)`, but `yield a + yield b` means `yield (a + (yield b))`.

4. Ability to produce promise-returning functions without buying into a 
specific framework that interprets generators in a certain way. E.g., you could 
use `async function f() { return 5; }` to return a promise for 5, which people 
can consume with `f().then(v => ...)`. If you try to do `function* f() { return 
5; }` you will get an iterable, which is not understood to be asynchronous. 
(Hopefully my use of `return 5` for brevity instead of more complex code does 
not confuse this point for you.)

As for stack traces, long stack trace support is a debugging feature, and the 
fact that `yield*` gets them right now doesn't mean that `await` won't get them 
in the future.

-----Original Message-----
From: es-discuss [] On Behalf Of Jeswin 
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 11:46
Subject: Does async/await solve a real problem?

Looking at my project (in which asynchronous calls are entirely done via 
generators), I can't see how async/await would simplify code for end-users like 
me (application programmers).

End users write the spawn()/Q.async()/co() wrapper *at most* one single time in 
an application:
1. When using a framework like say koajs, you don't have to write it even once.
2. While not using a framework, you'd have to use the wrapper one single time 
in say, the main.js file.

To use the example at

async function chainAnimationsAsync(elem, animations) { CODE; } is just 
function chainAnimationsAsync*(elem, animations) { same CODE; } when flow 
control is done by a framework or at the entry point to your application. 
spawn() isn't needed.

I can't see how this will reduce application's code even a little. So my 
question is, is async/await needed?

One more question
1. yield is practically very difficult to use in a project because you don't 
get proper stack traces (at least with the current flow control libraries). 
You'd only see the last call which threw the error, and then functions from the 
flow control library immediately below that. I suppose the generators leading 
up to the erring generator are all suspended and wouldn't be on the stack frame 

2. yield* generator delegation solves this problem, you get real stack traces. 
I was able to get full stack traces simply by replacing all yield X() with 
yield* X()

example code as in:

So if there are valid use-cases for adding async/await to JS, shouldn't it be 
based on how yield* works rather than yield?

-- Jes

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