Kevin Smith wrote:
Well, what I'm trying to point out is that it's always an error to set
"this" if "new^" is undefined.  So it's kind of strange to force the
user to explicitly write that conditional:

     constructor(x, y) {
         if (new^)
             this = new super(x);
         this.y = y;

With the header approach, it's taken care of:

     constructor(x, y) : super(x) {
         this.y = y;

(using colon just to avoid bikeshedding)

Isn't the latter (since it specifies ": super(x)") actually identical to

    constructor(x, y) {
        this = new super();
        this.y = y;

IOW, isn't it "I am constructor only and will throw if {[Call]]ed)?

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