ALL of these things can be accomplished with your own custom tag. I really 
encourage you and others to learn about the "tag" part of "tagged template 
From: Merih<>
Sent: ‎2014-‎09-‎18 16:36
Subject: Re: Re: Multiline template strings that don't break indentation

This might be beyond the current state of template strings but wouldn't it be 
nice if there was a delimiter character we can use to depict the beginning of 
each line of a multiline string? A similar solution like Scala multliline 
strings but without `stripMargin` method at the end.

For example:

    var multiLineString = `This is a template string.
                                      |Even though each line is indented to 
keep the
                                      |code neat and tidy, the white space used 
to indent
                                      |is not in the resulting string`

And if we actually want to include vertical bar we can escape it?

Merih Akar
es-discuss mailing list

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