This is a follow-up thread to discuss how to solve the problem identified in
 without breaking the web. (Any arguments that it is OK to break sites using 
MooTools, please stay in that thread and respectfully do *not* reply to this 


So, guess that proves I should never say "this will be easy!" before working on 
a feature. Yay, the web.

I see a few options:

1. Rename. The leading candidate would be `Array.prototype.has`. I outlined in 
[1] why `contains` is better; note especially the DOM classes. But you could 
stretch things, especially by removing the `fromIndex` parameter, into an 
argument that `has` is OK. (Basically, you'd be saying that an array is more 
like a set than a map, and that its analogy with String is mostly accidental.)

2. Specific hacks. I am thinking of e.g. making `Array.prototype.contains` a 
getter, with a setter that does [[DefineOwnProperty]].

3. General hacks. I joked about @@unMooToolsables, but seriously, we could do 
something similar to @@unscopables of using MOP hooks to fix this problem. One 
idea that seems reasonable is @@enumerableWhenAssigned, so that 
`Array.prototype.contains` starts non-enumerable, but when you do 
`Array.prototype.contains = x`, it becomes enumerable. You could even 
generalize this into something that also fixes the override mistake [2], e.g. 
@@defineOwnPropertyOnAssign or @@assignIgnoresProto or similar. Or you could 
attack the problem at the for-in level


1 is tempting in its simplicity. 2 is pretty gross and we'd probably be better 
of throwing out the feature. 3 is intriguing, although it obviously adds 
complexity cost to a feature that was supposed to be trivial.

I am curious if there is any support for 3, or proposals for a better hack in 
that vein. Because we will also have this problem for any other prototype 
extensions that work in the same way, e.g. MooTools's `flatten` (which seems 
like something we'd likely want) or their `associate`, `link`, `getRandom`, 
`combine`, or `pick` (which seem less likely). And I assume the problem could 
extend beyond MooTools, and possibly beyond Array. (Although, Array is a 
special case in that we can't make any of its methods enumerable.)

Especially if we choose something more general, e.g. @@assignIgnoresProto, I 
could see this being a powerful tool for fighting such problems in the future, 
and maybe for helping fix the override mistake (although I don't understand all 
of the use cases involved there).


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