Le 04/12/2014 09:55, Andreas Rossberg a écrit :
On 4 December 2014 at 00:54, David Bruant <bruan...@gmail.com> wrote:
The way I see it, data structures are a tool to efficiently query data. They
don't *have* to be arbitrarily mutable anytime for this purpose.
It's a point of view problem, but in my opinion, mutability is the problem,
not sharing the same object. Being able to create and share structured data
should not have to mean it can be modified by anyone anytime. Hence
Object.freeze, hence the recent popularity of React.js.
I agree, but that is all irrelevant regarding the question of weak
maps, because you cannot freeze their content.
The heart of the problem is mutability and .clear is a mutability capability, so it's relevant. WeakMap are effectively frozen for some bindings if you don't have the keys.

So my question stands: What would be a plausible scenario where
handing a weak map to an untrusted third party is not utterly crazy to
start with?
Sometimes you call functions you don't have written and pass arguments to them. WeakMaps are new, but APIs will have functions with WeakMaps as arguments. I don't see what's crazy. It'd be nice if I don't have to review all NPM packages I use to make sure they dont use .clear when I pass a weakmap. If you don't want to pass the WeakMap directly, you have to create a new object "just in case" (cloning or wrapping) which carries its own obvious efficiency. Security then comes at the cost of performance while both could have been achieved if the same safe-by-default weakmap can be shared.

In particular, when can giving them the ability to clear
be harmful, while the ability to add random entries, or attempt to
remove entries at guess, is not?
I don't have an answer to this case, now.
That said, I'm uncomfortable with the idea of seeing a decision being made that affects the language of the web until its end based on the inability of a few person to find a scenario that is deemed plausible by few other persons within a limited timeframe. It's almost calling for an "I told you so" one day.
I would return the question: can you demonstrate there are no such scenario?

We know ambiant authority is a bad thing, examples are endless in JS.
The ability to modify global variable has been the source of bugs and vulnerabilities. JSON.parse implementations were modified by browsers because they used malicious versions of Array as a constructor which led to data leakage. WeakMap.prototype.clear is ambiant authority. Admittedly, its effects are less broad and its malicious usage is certainly more subtle.

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