Hey Matthew,

This is another pattern I could take yup.

Kevin pointed that if I suck it up and move all my modules toward named-exports 
then my problems go away too. The reason I am using default internally was that 
I had modules depending on others which are all uniformly single-function 
modules (react components to be specific). So it felt confusing to have this 
syntax internally:

    import { foo } from ‘../foo’

When what I’m really trying to express is:

    import foo from ‘../foo’

But ultimately if I am willing to accept that internally I use the former 
syntax then my re-export expressions are fine:

    export * from ‘./foo'

These are small details but added up they matter. Generally I’m happy with 
modules though. The only other gripe I have is not being able to import each 
export naked into a namespace like this:

import * from ‘./foo’

Haskell etc. allow this (actually its a bit richer/better but yeah, basically). 
Often namespacing is what you want, not always.


> On Feb 19, 2015, at 12:29 PM, Matthew Robb <matthewwr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ​Just curious if this meets the use cases being discussed here, @caridy 
> @jason ?
> ​
> On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 9:22 AM, Matthew Robb <matthewwr...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:matthewwr...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> import a from "a";
> import b from "b";
> export { a, b };
> - Matthew Robb

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