I think the fact you had to write two solutions where one attach to the
object the listener and another one needs a double arrow (rainbow) already
shows we have a hole in the language once covered by arguments.callee.

The more you write examples, the more you convince me we are missing callee

Again, this is jut my opinion. There are ways to work around this, it just
feels wrong we lost the callee feature.


On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 7:48 PM, Claus Reinke <whycombina...@gmail.com>

> > nope, you are limiting your object to have only one listener per event,
> I think that's not quite how reality is. You gonna lose that listeners next
> time somebody use same name with the same object.
> true. For cases where that isn't enough, i assume you're thinking of
> canceling from within the handler.
> Here goes another attempt, preserving identity while providing a
> self-reference.
> let arg = ff=>{
>   let arg = {};
>   let f = ff(arg);
>   arg.callee = f;
>   return f;
> };
> let f = arg=>n=>n>1?n*arg.callee(n-1):1;
> console.log(arg(f)(5));
> Perhaps i'm going to run out of ideas soon, but my point is that it is
> worth looking for less powerful alternatives that achieve the same ends.
> Else we'd all be writing lisp, right?-)
> Claus
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