On Mar 11, 2015, at 12:31 PM, Michael Dyck wrote:

> What happens to all the unresolved 6th edition bugs when 6th edition is
> finalized? (There's currently about 66 in the "Confirmed" state.) Do they
> all get transferred over to 7th edition? Or do they stay where they are,
> hoping for resolution in an ES6.1 (or at least an ES6 errata), but perhaps
> just being forgotten?
> (Other standards bodies I've worked with have had a requirement to resolve
> all issues raised, but that doesn't seem to be the case with TC39. As far as
> I can tell, ECMA doesn't require its TCs to solicit, much less act on,
> outside input.)

They will all be either resolved or transferred to ES7 (BTW, "ES6.1" is "ES7")

But you count is way off relative to any actual remaining issue.. 

36 open bugs are categorized under "deferred features"  which are actually bugs 
against material things (such as module loaders) that were removed from the ES6 
9 more are "new feature" requests.  the reasonable one I will eventually 
reassign to ES7
Among the rest, a number are long standing (some predating ES6) editorial or 
structural issues that aren't going to be addressed this go round.
There are actually only a small handful of issues (<5 at the moment) that I'm 
plan on fixing this week (of course more will also come in)
The rest just require some bugzilla house cleaning that is lower priority than 
actually completing the document. 

And yes, Ecma does not require a formal public review or response.  But TC39 is 
much more open than required by Ecma.


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