Okay.  I've updated my transpiler to demonstrate how (and why) this could
work at the VM level (I do think VM devs will have to add new opcodes for
this), and I've appended an example transformation to this email.

Why is this so complicationed?  The answer is that when you start nesting
?. operators, it's pretty easy to cause some operators to be called twice.

E.g, if you transformed the following to the NULL syntax:


You would get:
  (a != undefined ? (a.d() != undefined ? (a.d().f != undefined ? a.d().f.b
: undefined) : undefined)));

Notice how a.d() gets called multiple times.

The solution is probably new VM opcodes.  Since my transpiler is obviously
not a VM, it transforms ?. operators into auto-generated functions.
Anyway, here's the example I transpiler:


Which turned into this:

   function q0eILlfx7_3(obj) {
    var _t=obj;

    if (_t==undefined)
      return undefined;
    _t = _t.b.c.e;

    if (_t==undefined)
      return undefined;
    _t = _t.f.g;

    if (_t==undefined)
      return undefined;
    _t = _t.h.t.c;

    if (_t==undefined)
      return undefined;
    _t = _t.d();

    return _t;


On Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 6:24 PM, Brendan Eich <bren...@mozilla.org> wrote:

> joe wrote:
>> That's a good point.  Are lexical non-DFA grammars allowed?  It would be
>> trivial to solve that with a regular expression lookahead.  Although I
>> suppose at that point you might as well call it a cover grammar.
> We must avoid being too clever -- it complicates implementations and
> inevitably incurs future-hostility to extensions we may want, if not
> outright bugginess.
> All of this suggests prefix ? is the better course. Anyone have
> counterexamples?
> /be
>> Joe
>> On Mon, Apr 6, 2015 at 2:42 PM, Brendan Eich <bren...@mozilla.org
>> <mailto:bren...@mozilla.org>> wrote:
>>     joe wrote:
>>         By the way, I don't remember having grammar issues (I use a
>>         LALR compiler-compiler).  Looking at my code, it looked like I
>>         handled it in the tokenizer stage; I added a COND_DOT token:
>>         COND_DOT : \?\.
>>     Did you keep backward compatibility? `x?.1:y` must continue to work.
>>     /be
>> No, it looks like I didn't.
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