Scott Sauyet schrieb:

> Do you see good reasons *not* to do it, or are you just wondering if
> there actually were pros to this?

Oh, I can see the use cases (you've given a good example, thanks). Everyone needs ordered dictionaries/maps once in a while. Maybe even sortable ones, including `insertAt` or `insertOrderedBy(comp)` methods?

I would have loved to get another new data structure (`OrderedMap`? `SortableMap`?) for this purpose. What I am opposing is that objects - originally meant as unordered records - are now "officially" abused for this. I can see the argument for speccing backwards-compability, but now the people who were originally writing bad (implementation-dependent) code are supported by the spec and can claim that the end users had to update their browsers to ES6-compatibility, instead of needing to fix their bugs.

I could even write an `isStrictlyEqual` that goes beyond
property equality and checks key order.

That's exactly what I am fearing. If such usage takes overhand, are we going to get `Object.prototype.reorderKeys` at some point? (Oh, wait, `Object.reorderKeys` of course). I think there should be a clear distinction between ordered and unordered dictionaries somewhere, with tooling supporting both versions. Instead of stuffing everything into objects. How does an algorithm know whether to use `==`, `===`, ``, `Object.isSameOrdered`, `Object.equals`…?


(sorry if this came off as a rant. I know it cannot/will not be changed any more in ES6. I'm just missing a clear strategy statement)
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