I will accept any syntax that can pass muster (the weird hybrid between
colon and C style I came up with is never getting in :P)  btw, I do think
having generics/template syntax is useful (at one point I was planning on
implementing templates in my transpiler, which is why I support the
syntax). At least I find it helpful.

However, it did require Yet Another Cover Grammar, so I dunno if it's
appropriate here.

On Jun 8, 2015 9:19 PM, "Luke Scott" <l...@webconnex.com> wrote:

>  Hello All,
>  I wanted to share some ideas with you for type hinting:
>  https://github.com/lukescott/es-type-hinting
>  I’m also putting this together for named parameters:
>  https://github.com/lukescott/es-named-arguments
>  The two are somewhat related. The type hinting doc uses white-space
> instead of a colon. And in the named-arguments doc a colon is used for
> named arguments.
>  I realize that there may be some strong opinions on a colon vs
> white-space. Using white-space instead is an attempt to be compatible with
> existing ES syntax (POJO uses colon already), while allowing for other new
> features, such as named parameters.
>  Looking for feedback and any interest on any of the above.
>  Luke
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