[sorry forgot to reply to all]
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From: "joe" <joe...@gmail.com>
Date: Jun 25, 2015 5:34 PM
Subject: Re: insteadof operator
To: "Bergi" <a.d.be...@web.de>

Would there be any security issues? Also,  runtime or lexical scope?

I've actually wanted this feature for a while now, but  always assumed it
had no chance of happening due to security issues. Of course, I know
nothing about security so I could be wrong.
On Jun 25, 2015 4:48 PM, "Bergi" <a.d.be...@web.de> wrote:

> Bucaran schrieb:
>  It would be nice if there was a special construct like `typeof` or
>> `instanceof` that would take a name and evaluate to whatever
>> variable / function of the same name existing in the parent scope (or
>> undefined otherwise).
> Sorry, no. Please not.
> This would be a horrible feature, making name collisions (which are
> already confusing as hell at times) even more confusing. Scoping is already
> complicated, no need to introduce an edge case that all tooling (including
> human brains) would need to get learned.
> There already does exist a simple, familiar, and working solution (well,
> multiple ones actually), it's not worth the trouble of introducing a new
> operator.
>  Bergi
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