Why not remove Headless Arrow Functions from ExpressionStatement like
FunctionExpression and ObjectLiteral.

then statement like:

var a = i
 => 1

will be
var a = i => 1;

instead of

var a = i;
=> 1;

BTW why Statement[return] exists? or why there is no Statment[break]
or Statement[continue]? did I miss something?

On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 4:39 AM, Brian Terlson
<brian.terl...@microsoft.com> wrote:
> Sure, this works for syntax questions.
> Today no expression can start with =>, but there is the headless arrows
> proposal[1] which might add one. IIRC we wanted to be future compatible.
> I’m not sure what the motivation for [no LT here] in yield * was, but I
> support it on the grounds that splitting yield and * across lines is bad :-P
> In general better to be more conservative than less, I suppose.
> 1. https://bterlson.github.io/headless-arrows
> From: es-discuss [mailto:es-discuss-boun...@mozilla.org] On Behalf Of Eric
> Suen
> Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 12:28 AM
> To: es-discuss@mozilla.org
> Subject: Why is no line break is needed in ArrowFunction?
> Try to write a parser for es6, is this the right place for question about
> syntax?
> There is no expression or statement start with =>, same goes to yield  [no
> LineTerminator here] * AssignmentExpression ?
> ------------------------------------------------
> Spket IDE - Development Tool for RIA.
> http://www.spket.com

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