
Le 03/11/2015 12:26, Alexander Jones a écrit :
In my opinion, the fundamental record type we build our JS on should be getting dumber, not smarter. It feels inappropriate to be piling more difficult-to-reason-about mechanismson top before reeling in exotic host objects.
JS objects were never only the record you're talking about. They were also used for OOP (used as dynamic this values if one property was a function and called after a dot). And DOM objects also exposed things that did not have equivalent in ES objects (aside from the easy "host objects" escape), so the language needed to catch up (as it did in ES5) despite having to be more difficult to reason about.

Immutable data structures might be what you're looking for though

With Proxy out of the bag, I'm not so hopeful for the humble Object anymore.
This is a surprising statement. By exposing the low-level object API as userlang API (proxy traps + Reflect API), proxies make the low-level object API subject to the same backward-compat constraints as every other API. If nothing else, the very existence of proxies puts an end to the evolution of the object model.

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