Le 01/12/2015 20:20, Michał Wadas a écrit :

As we all know, JavaScript as language lacks builtin randomness related utilities. All we have is Math.random() and environment provided RNG - window.crypto in browser and crypto module in NodeJS.
Sadly, these APIs have serious disadvantages for many applications:

- implementation dependant
- not seedable
- unknown entropy
- unknown cycle

I'm surprised by the level of control you describe (knowing the cycle, seeding, etc.). If you have all of this, then, your PRNG is just a deterministic function. Why generating numbers which "look" random if you want to control how they're generated?

- not widely known
This is most certainly not a good reason to introduce a new API.

As we can see, all these either unreliable or designed mainly for cryptography.

That's we need easy to use, seedable random generator

Can you provide use cases the current options you listed make impossible or particularly hard?

Why shouldn't it be provided by library?

- average developer can't and don't want to find and verify quality of library - "cryptography is hard" and math is hard too

A library or a browser implementation would both need to be "validated" by a test suite verifying some statistical properties. My point is that it's the same amount of work to validate the "quality" of the implementation.

- library size limits it usability on Web

How big would the library be?
How much unreasonable would it be compared to other libraries for other use cases? I'm not an expert on the topic, but of the few things I know, it's hard to imagine a PRNG function would be more than 10k

- no standard interface for PRNG - library can't be replaced as drop-in replacement

We've seen in the past that good libraries become de-facto standard (at the library level, not the platform level) and candidate to being shimmed when the library is useful and there is motivation for a drop-in replacement (jQuery > Zepto, underscore > lodash). This can happen. We've also seen ES Promises respect the Promise A+ spec or close enough if they don't (I'm not very familiar with the details).

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