I believe await* has gone from the spec. The correct form would be (at the 


Promise.all(asyncFn1(...), asyncFn2(...),...).then(...)

The mistake in Dimitry's example is that the async body was not resolved, not 
that anonymous async functions are in some way invalid - they're just fine.
On 19 December 2015 20:47:57 -00:00, Fabrício Matté <ultco...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Good call, Dmitry. Async IIFEs are also useful to parallelize different 
> sequences of async operations. E.g.:
> ```js
> async function main() {
> await* [
> (async () => await seq1op2(await seq1op1()))(),
> (async () => {
> await seq2op1();
> await seq2op2();
> })(),
> ];
> }
> ```
> Here is a more solid example 
> <https://github.com/JSRocksHQ/harmonic/blob/81979aee6c8c9ca981a69d694e0fe025ad7d1669/src/bin/core.js#L23-L37>.
> /fm

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