On Sunday, December 20, 2015, <br...@mailed.me.uk> wrote:

> You're quite right, which demonstrates the lack of necessity for a
> top-level await (FYI, I find the inconsistency irritating but
> understandable), so I still maintain this is not a _required_ use for an
> IIAFE - there is no reason to create an async function to invoke another
> async function; one can simply invoke it, and if the result/completion is
> required, use it's ,then() member....but there's no need/advantage to
> wrapping such an invocation in an IIAFE, right?
The use case is valid, there was no mistakes. We use async IIFEs as an
"entry point" to async code: you can await there, do intermediate
calculations with temporary variables, again awai, etc (Promise.all has a
different use case).


> On 20 December 2015 13:40:30 -00:00, Forbes Lindesay <
> for...@lindesay.co.uk
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','for...@lindesay.co.uk');>> wrote:
> Promises are eager.  That is, they do the work and resolve whether you
> await them or not.  If you want to handle exceptions, you need to call
> .then and provide an error handler, but other than that it's totally ok to
> not bother waiting for a promise.
> On 19 Dec 2015, at 22:02, Mat At Bread <br...@mailed.me.uk
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','br...@mailed.me.uk');>> wrote:
> Which is what I said, I hope. Use the .then for top-level invitation.
> Dimitry's example wouldn't resolve the Promise
> On 19 December 2015 9:24:04 pm Fabrício Matté <ultco...@gmail.com
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','ultco...@gmail.com');>> wrote:
> @bread I see you are referencing Dmitry's sample, but why do you say it
> won't work? AFAIK async functions return promises, so you don't necessarily
> need a top-level `await`. I believe this (extremely ugly) sample should
> work:
> ```js
> function f(cb) {
>   (async function() {
>     // await here
>   })().then(v => cb(null, v), cb);
> }
> ```
> /fm
> On Sat, Dec 19, 2015 at 7:11 PM, <br...@mailed.me.uk
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','br...@mailed.me.uk');>> wrote:
> That’s not going to work. The correct form still requires an (illegal)
> top-level await:
> await (async function() {
> // await here
> })();
> The easiest way to spawn a top-level async function is:
> here.then(function(result){},function(error){}) ;
> On 19 December 2015 20:14:44 -00:00, Dmitry Soshnikov <
> dmitry.soshni...@gmail.com
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','dmitry.soshni...@gmail.com');>> wrote:
> On Saturday, December 19, 2015, Šime Vidas <sime.vi...@gmail.com
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','sime.vi...@gmail.com');>> wrote:
> With block statements + let/const, IIFEs are no longer needed to emulate
> block-scoped variables. That got me thinking, are there other uses of
> IIFEs, or are they no longer needed?
> I’ve checked my code and found instances of this pattern:
> var foo = (function () {
>     var a, b, c; // helper variables
>     // some computation
>     return /* final value of foo */;
> }());
> Btw, there is a "do expression" proposal (stage 0) [1] for this type of
> pattern.
> Anything else?
> FWIW, one of the still valid use cases is async IIFE, to spawn an async
> code (since there's no yet top-level async/await)
> (async function() {
>   // await here
> })();
> Dmitry
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