Cool, yeah, the reveal pattern would indeed be a good way to guard
against unwanted/unexpected cancels.

class Cancel {
    constructor(executor) {
        this._requested = false
        executor(() => this._requested = true)
    get requested() {return this._requested}
    throw() { throw new CancelError() }

let cancel = new Cancel(function(cancel) {
    cancelButton.onclick = cancel

What would be the recommended way of keeping the internal state
private? With a WeakMap?

On Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 1:01 PM, Kevin Smith <> wrote:
>> Since checking `promise.state` is synchronous, we may as well just
>> write a synchronous Cancel class instead:
> Right - see upthread.  You do need some kind of callback method, though,
> like `whenCancelled(callback)`.
>> class Cancel {
>>     constructor() { this.requested = false }
>>     request() { this.requested = true }
>>     throw() { throw new CancelError() }
>> }
> We need to separate the capability to "read" the cancellation request from
> the ability to request the cancellation.  That's why in .NET you have
> CancellationTokenSource and CancellationToken.  But for JS, we should
> probably use the revealing constructor pattern instead (discussed upthread):
>     let token = new CancelToken(cancel => { ... });
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