> Le 3 mars 2016 à 18:04, Michał Wadas <michalwa...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> Are there any plans/proposals to specify user defined callable objects?
> It's possible to extend Function, but it requires to specify function code as 
> string and prevents usage of local variables.
> Eg:
> ```
> class Foo {
>     constructor() {
>         this.i=0;
>     }
>     [Symbol.call]() {
>         return class.instance.i++; // new meta property 
>     } 
> } 
> const f = new Foo;
> typeof f === 'function';
> f instanceof Function === false; // most use cases would be Function 
> instances 
> f() === 0;
> f() === 1;
> f.call(null); // TypeError: undefined is not a function
> ```

The following code should work (it did for me in Chrome):

class Foo {
    constructor() {
        let obj = () => obj.i++;
        Object.setPrototypeOf(obj, new.target.prototype);
        obj.i = 0;
        return obj;


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