Am 13.03.2016 um 01:45 schrieb liorean:
> On 13 March 2016 at 01:05, Christian Mayer <> wrote:
>> On my user-should-experience-no-pause kind of application I'd also love
>> to have the possibility to tell the engine to do a GC *now* as it's a
>> good time point to do it.
> Problem with that is that you're making assumptions that are not
> guaranteed about the engine already:
>  - That it uses a garbage collector. [...]

What would work is a sort of hint to the engine that it can do some
background work now that could affect the user experience as the code
thinks the user won't notice it at that point in time.

When the engine is working in such a way that it doesn't need that
background work (e.g. it has no GC, ...) than this call would be a NOP.
But it would help to create a better user experience on a different engine.

So, over all, calling it CG might be bad, as it is more universal.
We could call it DoStutteringBackgroundStuff() ;)
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