It seems like Jordan's suggestion is what you want then. 

- Saam

> On Sep 24, 2016, at 9:54 PM, Tycho Grouwstra <> wrote:
> Thank you.
> To elaborate a bit, what I'm trying to do is use Proxy so as to enable 
> FSM-like DSLs, essentially having one Proxy type represent the current 
> 'state' dictating what DSL you're in, one property access choosing to either 
> yield a new proxied object, yielding an unwrapped version, or one wrapped in 
> a different proxy type.
> This is why I'd wanted to be able to trap different operations, as they help 
> to give ways to distinguish cases (return a wrapped result etc.). The point 
> would be this would allow a user to 'navigate' something pretending to be a 
> regular object, even though it isn't (e.g. async values like 
> Promises/Observables, remote collections too costly to fetch in full unless 
> needed, decycled versions of the regular object for the purpose of 
> serialization, you name it...).
>> On Sun, Sep 25, 2016 at 12:32 PM, saam barati <> wrote:
>> The purpose of the iterator protocol is to be flexible and to work well with 
>> custom defined iterators. for...of is more or less sugar around the iterator 
>> protocol. Not sure why you even need a Proxy to easily customize for...of 
>> behavior for arbitrary objects.
>> More documentation on the protocol can be found here:
>> - Saam
>>> On Sep 24, 2016, at 8:34 PM, Tycho Grouwstra <> 
>>> wrote:
>>> I'd like to propose adding support for an iteration trap handler for Proxy, 
>>> fleshing out the list of [currently supported Proxy 
>>> handlers](
>>> I think Proxy is among the most powerful features of JS, so I find it 
>>> unfortunate iteration, a common operation, is still missing. No new syntax 
>>> would be required for this addition.
>>> On a side-note, I'd be happy if there were no additional 
>>> [requirements]( on usage of 
>>> such a trap, but I'm not sure that would complicate implementation.
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