在 2016/9/28 14:42, Claude Pache 写道:

Le 28 sept. 2016 à 07:38, 段垚 <duan...@ustc.edu <mailto:duan...@ustc.edu>> a écrit :

Because `foo.bar` is equivlant to `foo['bar']` in JS so far, and `array.-1` could break this consistency.

On the other hand, `array.first()` seems not necessary because `array[0]` is even more handy; `array.last()` looks fine to me.

If someone prefer a more general solution, I recommand `array.get(n)`:

  * if n >= 0 && n < array.length: equivlant to array[n]
  * if n < 0 && -n < array.length: equivlant to array[array.length + n]
  * if n <= -array.length || n >= array.length: throw or return undefined
  * if n is not a integer or not a number: throw or return undefined

The last 2 rules make `array.get(n)` less error prone than `array[n]`. I prefer throwing, but maybe returning undefined is more JS-style?

For consistency with the rest of the builtin library, `array.get(n)` should be equivalent to `array.slice(n)[0]`, which means: convert `n` to an integer, and: return `undefined` for out-of-bound index.
I regard such converting behavior a bad legacy of JS, and want to avoid it in new APIs.


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