I agree it's subideal which is why I work to address problems like this in
template systems but ad-hoc string concatenation happens and embeddable
sub-languages provide defense-in-depth without sacrificing correctness.

CDATA sections solve no problems because they cannot contain any string
that has "]]>" as a substring so you still have to s/\]\]>/]]>]]<!CDATA>/g.

On Sep 28, 2016 2:32 PM, "Alexander Jones" <a...@weej.com> wrote:

> That's awful. As you say, it's an antipattern, no further effort should be
> spent on this. JSON produced by JavaScript has far more general uses than
> slapping directly into a script tag unencoded, so no-one else should have
> to see this. Also, there are many other producers of JSON than JavaScript.
> Instead, use XHTML and CDATA (which has a straightforward encoding
> mechanism that doesn't ruin the parseability of the code or affect it in
> any way) if you really want to pull stunts like this.
> Alex
> On Wednesday, 28 September 2016, Michał Wadas <michalwa...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Idea: require implementations to stringify "</script>" as
>> "<\uxxxxscript>".
>> Benefits: remove XSS vulnerability when injecting JSON as content of
>> <script> tag (quite common antipattern).
>> Backward compatible: yes, unless binary equality is required and this
>> string is used.
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