Jordan Rome schrieb:
My apologies if this has already been discussed but what is the "preferred"
pattern for using await ? Since await, which runs on promises, will now
throw if the promise is rejected (preventing execution of code after the
await and killing the process in Node), is it neccesary to always be
wrapping await in try/catch?

No. Just like in synchronous code, you only wrap a part of your code in try-catch if you actually want to *handle* an exception.

If you don't handle it, it will bubble as usual and reject the promise returned by the `async function`. Let the caller deal with the exceptions you can't handle - just like always. Of course, in the top-level invocation it might be a good idea to use a `catch` (or the `.catch()` method) to catch any exceptions and log them to whereever you want if you don't want to get an unhandled rejection, but those are usually exceptions you *don't expect* so you might not need to deal with them at all.

- Bergi
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