The `for` loop approach works for synchronous resources as well actually, there's nothing special about those `await`ed things e.g.

const fs = require('fs')

function* open(file, opts) {
    const fd = fs.openSync(file, opts)
    try { yield fd } finally { fs.closeSync(fd) }

for (const fd of open("/path/to/file", {mode: "r+"})) {
    const bit = fs.readSync(fd)

I can definitely imagine a Python-esque `with` statement though (perhaps with ``) then you just use something like Python's contextlib ( utility functions for converting generator based resources to ``.

For now though the `for` loop approach is a relatively good workaround (as `next/return` effectively emulate Python's `__enter__/__exit__`).

On 30/12/16 04:17, Isiah Meadows wrote:
But keep in mind it still doesn't cover two key issues:

1. Synchronous resources do in fact exist (primarily in Node). You
need both for it to be effective.
2. Your suggestion isn't composable at all (like nearly every other
callback-driven API), and it prevents returning from inside the block
without the use of exceptions.

Isiah Meadows

On Thu, Dec 29, 2016 at 9:05 AM, Raul-Sebastian Mihăilă
<> wrote:
I agree, but note that a resolved promise is not the same as a fulfilled
promise (

On Thu, Dec 29, 2016 at 11:40 AM, Jordan Harband <> wrote:
You'd need to wrap the body of your `open` function in a try/finally, and
do the `fsp.close` in the `finally` block - but otherwise that would
certainly work, provided that the promise returned from `func` did actually
settle (resolve or reject).

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