Le 06/02/2017 à 17:59, Ryan Birmingham a écrit :
Hello all,

I frequently find myself desiring a short array or generator comprehension syntax. I'm aware that there are functional ways around use of comprehension syntax, but I personally (at least) love the syntax in the ES reference (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Array_comprehensions).

The best previous discussion on this that I found was six years old (https://esdiscuss.org/topic/array-comprehensions-shorter-syntax) and answers some of my questions, raising others. That said, I wanted to ask:

  * Why is the Comprehension Syntax in the reference yet not more
    standard? It feels almost like a tease.

Proposals to change the standard are listed here :
The process for a feature to become standard is described here :

  * How do you usually approach or avoid this issue?
  * Do you think we should look at improving and standardizing the
    comprehension syntax?

Some might argue it is yet another instance of "superficial sugar obsession" [1] :-p I don't know where I stand personally.

In any case, if you want to start, write down a proposal (can be 20 lines in a gist [2]) including programs that are hard to express in JavaScript and which readability would significantly be improved with the new syntax. Perhaps submit it to the mailing-list and try to find a "TC39 champion" (criterion to enter stage 1). At the very least, the proposal will be listed in the stage 0 proposals list [3].


[1] https://twitter.com/mikeal/status/828674319651786754
[2] http://gist.github.com/
[3] https://github.com/tc39/proposals/blob/master/stage-0-proposals.md
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