Having java-like weak references would indeed solve many problems and would let us build our own collections.

On 21/03/2017 08:34, T.J. Crowder wrote:
What are your use cases for it?

Rather than tying it to being a `Map`, I'd prefer to see something like Java's [`WeakReference`][1]: You could store the `WeakReference`s in a `Map` if you wanted strongly-referenced keys with weakly-referenced values.

-- T.J. Crowder

[1]: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/lang/ref/WeakReference.html

On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 6:15 AM, /#!/JoePea <j...@trusktr.io <mailto:j...@trusktr.io>> wrote:

    Hey all,

    I'd like to have something like a WeakMap where the keys can be
    primitives and the values are weakly-held Objects, so if there are
    no more references to any of the Object values that the entry gets
    removed from the map.

    For example, it might look like this:

    ["foo"] => SomeObject,
    "] =>

    where if there are no more references to `OtherObject`, then
    `['bar'] => OtherObject` is removed from the map.

    Usage would be very similar to WeakMap, like

    let m = new ReversedWeakMap

    m.add('foo', SomeObject)
    ​console.log(m.get('bar')) // OtherObject

    ... time passes, no more references to OtherObject, OtherObject is
    collected ...

    console.log(m.get('bar'))​ // undefined


    I thought of using WeakMap values as keys, and vice versa, but it
    seems to be impossible.

    I guess maybe it is difficult to add this natively because it
    would mean that GC needs to be completely deterministic as far as
    JS programs go. For example:

    let m = new ReversedWeakMap

    function main() {
    m.set('foo', {})
    console.log(m.get('foo')) // {}


    // GC would have to be guaranteed to have happened at this point.

    console.log(m.get('foo')) // undefined



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