> Can you produce any data at all to back that up? I've never seen any appetite 
> in that regard at all.
no hard data admittedly.  i regularly attend tech meetups in hong kong.  at 
these gatherings, the general sentiment from frontend developers is that 
creating webapps has gotten considerably more difficult with the newish 
technologies.  even the local presenters for react and angular2+ at these talks 
can’t hide their lack of enthusiasm for these frameworks (like they’re doing it 
mainly to hustle more side-business for themselves).  on-the-job, we all 
generally try to avoid taking on such technical risks, until we are inevitably 
asked to by our manager.  the ones i see who are enthusiastic are typically 
non-frontend-engineers who write mostly backend nodejs code, that isn’t all 
that more scalable or interesting with what you can do in java/c#/ruby.

> Don't like `const`? Don't use it. Don't like arrow functions? Don't use them. 
> Don't like `async`/`await`? (You guessed it.) Don't use them. Nothing other 
> than unspecified behavior is any different unless you use it. (And even in 
> regard to unspecified behavior [I'm thinking function declarations in blocks 
> here], the committee has bent over backward to do their best to avoid 
> imposing changes on it.)

this brings up the point that frontend developers have no say in these matters 
when a less-than-technical pm asks them to use frameworks that all but uses 
these features.  there are many of these managers in asia who copy whatever 
they perceive is trending in silicon valley, with very little care about the 
technical-risks they bring to projects.

> On Jul 22, 2017, at 5:14 AM, T.J. Crowder <tj.crow...@farsightsoftware.com> 
> wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 9:37 PM, kai zhu <kaizhu...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:kaizhu...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> > that being said, es6 is such a different beast from es5, that i
> > think a backwards-compatible “use es5” text pragma would be
> > appreciated by the significant number of veteran frontend-
> > programmers and established companies who still prefer
> > writing and maintaining code in the “legacy” language-style
> Can you produce any data at all to back that up? I've never seen any appetite 
> in that regard at all.
> You do realize, presumably, that there is *nothing* preventing you from 
> writing ES5 code and running it on current engines -- since ES2015, ES2016, 
> and ES2017 are all backward-compatible with ES5. By design.
> Don't like `const`? Don't use it. Don't like arrow functions? Don't use them. 
> Don't like `async`/`await`? (You guessed it.) Don't use them. Nothing other 
> than unspecified behavior is any different unless you use it. (And even in 
> regard to unspecified behavior [I'm thinking function declarations in blocks 
> here], the committee has bent over backward to do their best to avoid 
> imposing changes on it.)
> -- T.J. Crowder

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