> On Jul 22, 2017, at 11:37 PM, Maggie Pint <maggiep...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Having been a delegate to tc39 from the JS foundation for only about six 
> months, I can't claim authority to speak to all of the history here. That 
> said, I can very assuredly tell you there is a significant amount of respect 
> for every technology that has been mentioned in this thread from most of the 
> committee. In general, the committee sees any tool with significant adoption 
> as an opportunity to learn/draw ideas from, not a plague.

tc39 should be a bit more assholish imo.  frontend-development (at least in 
asia) is in a zombie-state with few really understanding the technical-risks of 
the latest technologies and practices.  this mess is partly due to no-one in 
the committee having the foresight and courage to gatekeep es6 to a manageable 
number of features.
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