> I’m curious what the concerns were. You mentioned disliking the syntax, but 
> I’m guessing there’s more to it than that?

the concern is that es modules are starting to look like a solution in search 
of a problem.  its redundant and unnecessary on the server-side.  and it 
continues to fail to solve an relevant pain-point for everyday programmers on 
the frontend-side now, or in the foreseeable future, while creating new ones.

> I’ve been experimenting with ES Modules over HTTP 2 for a few months. I used 
> rollup to create my dep graph without actually bundling, then served 
> requested modules as entry points with a server push for their deps. I 
> imagine that it won’t be long brolefore generic tooling for this sort of 
> approach emerges (my own solution is pretty hacky, just wanted to see how it 
> might work).

for most projects, dep-graph and tree-shaking have marginal benefits in 
frontend programming, given their complexity.  for all that extra work and 
boilerplate, the result is typically not anymore smaller, more efficient, or 
more maintainable than a pre-es6 rollup file.

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