The problem with “metaproperties” is that they make the language more complex, 
chaotic and make it difficult to reason about the language.

See my previous post about the multitude of keyword and keyword-like types that 
the language has. It’s so bad that even “metaproperty” concept itself isn’t 
defined in the standard except as a hardcoded `` [1]

If you read, for example, through the import.meta draft, you see things ripe 
for inclusion in a proper API object.

It gets even worse. Because “metaproperties” are not just attached to keywords. 
They are attached to keywords which have *fundamentally different semantics* in 
the language: `new` is an operator[2], it gets ``. A function is a 
callable object [3], and it gets a `function.sent`. Import is … I don’t know 
what import is [4]. It gets transformed into a separate, made-just-for-import  
CallExpression[5] and then it gets an `import.meta` on top of that [6] (as a 
hardcoded “metaproperty").

Don’t forget that `super` gets its own properties. Since there’s no 
specification of what “metaproperties” are, they are just called 
superproperties[7] in the grammar. Because reasons.

All this is chaos from the perspective of developer experience. And truly looks 
like random ad-hoc solutions to immediate problems with no long-term goals. 
Imagine how much better *and* future-proof it would be if all this was in the 
form of a unified centralised API? There is a reason people laugh at PHP for 
its API and language design. 








On Sat, 05 Aug 2017 at 18:59 Matthew Robb

mailto:Matthew Robb <>
> wrote:

a, pre, code, a:link, body { word-wrap: break-word !important; }

I really can't find a good resource on direct vs indirect evaluation but my 
understanding is it's one of the main considerations for using a keyword over 
an identifier for contextual information. One example which is already in the 
language would be 'eval' which you can read a little about here:

Now you might be able to have an API that gets you the same result as the 
context sensitive keywords but it would be less ergonomic among other things: 
Reflect.getModuleMetaProperty(someModuleNs, 'propName') but this becomes much 
more difficult to do FROM WITHIN THE MODULE ITSELF. Anything that is, let's 
call it tangible, cannot receive implicit contextual information it must have 
something passed to it that it would use to look up said information. 

Sure there could be arguments made about introducing new environment type 
records to the top level module scope of all modules but this is potentially 
much more error prone and likely to lead to more and bigger questions down the 
road. 'module' in particular is a really bad choice imo as node/commonjs have 
already introduced a 'module' identifier into all of their module scopes hence 
`module.exports = ...`. There may be solutions to working around that in one 
form or another BUT the 'trend' in TC39 to use keyword meta properties for 
context sensitive information is to avoid solving ever edge case of conflict 
that would impact existing code and users. It really is a fairly ripe space for 
powerful and ergonomic features like `super` which feel like "magic". The same 
is true for import.meta but it may be harder to identify right off as the uses 
haven't all been fully introduced such as environment specific properties and 
potentialy other loader hooks.

NOW as I was writing this it came to mind that we DO have a new syntactic form 
for private data coming in the form of private fields which use a hash prefix. 
It would be interesting to explore using the same syntax for module scoped 
private fields:




- Matthew Robb

On Sat, Aug 5, 2017 at 12:35 PM, Dmitrii Dimandt



Too bad emails don’t have "thumbs up" and “+1”s :) So here’s my "+1” to you

On Sat, 05 Aug 2017 at 18:28 "T.J. Crowder"


">"T.J. Crowder"

> wrote:

On Sat, Aug 5, 2017 at 5:05 PM, Dmitrii Dimandt

> wrote:

> So, in my opinion, the argument for not adding new global entities

> such as System, or Module, or Loader (or heck, even all three of

> them) being “these are not keywords, we can’t introduce them” is

> really really weak.

Is anyone making that argument? I certainly am not. Not only is it possible to 
add more global entities, as you point out, it's been done repeatedly: 
`Symbol`, `Reflect`, etc. They just can't be *keywords* without breaking 
things. They have to be identifiers. Which means they have bindings with 
values. Which means those values can be copied. Which has implications.

On Sat, Aug 5, 2017 at 5:08 PM, Dmitrii Dimandt

> wrote:


> That’s not what I was really aiming at :)


> The original concern was “to get ‘module’ : 1. It's a

> context-sensitive keyword, and code that's using it needs to 

> be updated when migrated to a module. “


> I was just pointing out that ‘import’ is already a context-

> sensitive keyword (as are a bunch of others, like super.

> Is super a keyword BTW?)

My point was that this would be the only case I know of where it would be a 
keyword in one context but an identifier in another in the *exact same 
production*. `super`, `import`, etc., are **always** keywords. You just can't 
use them except in certain contexts. So I shouldn't have said 
"context-sensitive keyword" so much as "keyword or identifier depending on 
context." (But then...I did, earlier; I figured the shorthand was okay after 
spelling it out longhand. :-) )

But again: Maybe that's feasible. Or maybe it's not a problem passing the value 
around, in which case a predefined `module` identifier only in module code 
isn't a problem anyway.

-- T.J. Crowder
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